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Semua Kontestan Miss Korea 2013 Wajahnya Pada Mirip, All Hail Plastic Surgery!

Written By Fransiska on Senin, 12 Agustus 2013 | 22.47

An otherwise-ignored South Korea beauty pageant has come under a wave of scrutiny after a photo of its contestants went viral on Reddit.
The photo of the 20 Miss Korea 2013 contestants, which was originally posted on a Japanese blog, was almost unanimously bashed by Reddit users for what they say represents a growing trend in plastic surgery that makes the women look remarkably similar to one another.

The original poster, ShenTheWise, captioned the photo “Korea’s plastic surgery mayhem is finally converging on the same face.” The post gained more than 1,840 comments, including many commenters who criticized the “westernization” of cosmetic surgery in South Korea and said that the rise of surgery was rapidly wiping away ethnic Korean features.

“I live in Korea, and older women complain how girls don't look Korean anymore because of all the plastic surgery. It's so common to the point if I meet a girl, I just assume she has had something done. Girls here consider eye surgery just like using makeup,” Reddit user forevertraveling wrote.

“Without the plastic surgery, korean women are very diverse looking and easily can be told apart. The surgery takes away their individuality and uniqueness and its sad [sic],” HotBrownie wrote.

“I loved this episode of the Twilight Zone,” 2Eyed wrote.

Although the United States has consistently ranked highest in terms of the total number of plastic surgeries performed in the past few years, South Korea has the highest rate of cosmetic surgery per capita, according to a 2012 report by the Economist. The report found that the nation’s most popular cosmetic surgeries were “noninvasive” procedures on skin and hair, while the second most popular surgeries targeted the face. The growing trend has also been catalogued on websites like Jezebel and has even inspired a Tumblr titled “Korean Plastic Surgery.”
versi terjemahan

Foto dari 20 kontestan Miss Korea 2013, yang awalnya diposting di sebuah blog Jepang, diejek oleh hampir semua pengguna Reddit untuk apa yang mereka katakan merupakan tren yang berkembang dalam operasi plastik yang membuat wanita terlihat sangat mirip satu sama lain.

Poster asli, ShenTheWise, captioned foto "kekacauan operasi plastik Korea akhirnya berkumpul di wajah yang sama." Posting yang diperoleh lebih dari 1.840 komentar, termasuk banyak komentator yang mengkritik "westernisasi" bedah kosmetik di Korea Selatan dan mengatakan bahwa munculnya operasi dengan cepat menyeka/menyingkirkan fitur etnis Korea.

"Saya tinggal di Korea, dan wanita tua disana mengeluh bagaimana gadis tidak terlihat Korea lagi karena semua operasi plastik. Ini sangat umum untuk titik jika aku bertemu seorang gadis, saya anggap saja dia memiliki sesuatu yang dilakukan. Gadis di sini mempertimbangkan operasi mata seperti menggunakan make up, "tulis Reddit forevertraveling pengguna.

"Tanpa operasi plastik, wanita korea sangat beragam mencari dan dengan mudah dapat dikatakan terpisah. Operasi menghilangkan individualitas dan keunikan mereka dan yang sedih [sic], "tulis HotBrownie.

"Aku mencintai episode Twilight Zone," tulis 2Eyed.

Meskipun Amerika Serikat telah secara konsisten peringkat tertinggi dalam hal jumlah operasi plastik yang dilakukan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, Korea Selatan memiliki tingkat tertinggi bedah kosmetik per kapita, menurut laporan 2012 oleh Economist. Laporan ini menemukan bahwa paling populer operasi kosmetik bangsa yang "non-invasif" prosedur pada kulit dan rambut, sementara operasi yang paling populer kedua ditargetkan wajah. Tren yang berkembang juga telah katalog pada website seperti Izebel dan bahkan telah mengilhami berjudul Tumblr "Bedah Plastik Korea."

Spoilerfor Gambar Tambahan:

yang paling kocak adalah ketika para fanboy/fangirl kroya yang fanatik buta kalau disuguhi hal macam ini langsung mengamuk membabi buta

Sumber :http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/5178f5b2e374b4a23a000003/semua-kontestan-miss-korea-2013-wajahnya-pada-mirip-all-hail-plastic-surgery/
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